Wednesday, March 16, 2011

That Mom: Anya Hindmarch

Momfilter recently posted an interview with London designer Anya Hindmarch, peeking into her home and family life. I love posts like this. I guess it's the voyeur in me, but I love to see sneak peeks into how other people live! Their routines, homes, child raising ideas, what they cook, what they wear, etc. This post was especially fun partly because Anya has five (!) children, but also because the accompanying photos were super cute.

My favorite part of the interview is where Anya says this:

“I think children are more affected by the mood of their parents than anything else, so being happy is the most important thing you can do for them. My strategy is to have enough support to make sure that no one is being constantly rushed or nagged, and then the mood is light and everyone is having fun.”

I also love when she says that her favorite kind of party is one “with lots of friends and children’s friends at home and long lazy multigenerational tables of people and noisy debate.”

Check out the entire interview here.

(photos by Emma Hardy via Momfilter.)

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