Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dream Trip Around the World

There are so many places in the world that I want to see and explore. Every travel magazine I look at just adds new countries to my ever-growing list and expanding files. There are so many places, in fact, I'm beginning to think there will never be time enough to visit them all. So I'm thinking the solution is to combine several countries at the top of my list into one grand around-the-world adventure, hitting all the continents.

So here's my list! The top countries, cities, or sites that I must see, in traveling order. First up is Spain. I've actually been to Spain before, but just Madrid. This time I want to visit Toledo, Barcelona and Granada. I want to see the Alhambra and the Sagrada Familia.

Toledo, Spain {photo found here}

The Alhambra, Granada {photo found here}

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona {photo found here}

After Spain we head over to Italy to visit Rome and Florence. So much history, art, and great food to experience here.  After Italy we cross the Mediterranean to Turkey. Istanbul is top of the list for it's ancient history, mosques, markets, amazing land features, and beautiful sea. To finish up this part of the world we'll make a stop in Israel. Jerusalem with all its Biblical history is a must-see, especially Temple Mount and the Church of the Nativity.

Rome, Italy {photo found here}

Florence, Italy {photo found here}
Istanbul, Turkey {photo found here}

Capadocia, Turkey {photo found here}

Turkish coast {photo found here}

the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem {photo found here}

From Turkey we head to Asia. First up is India where we'll make stops in the north at the tea plantations, Calcutta, and Varanassi, the oldest city in India, and a very holy city to Buddhists and Hindus. From India we make our way to Vietnam and then Cambodia. In Vietnam I want to explore the beautiful coast line as well as Hanoi, the capitol of Vietnam. I really want to see Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and spend some time in Phnom Penh. After Cambodia, Bali is so close it would be a shame not to stop there too.

tea plantation, India {photo found here}

Varanassi, India {photo found here}

Calcutta, India {photo found here}

rush hour in Vietnam {photo found here}

Halong Bay, Vietnam {photo found here}

Angkor Wat, Cambodia {photo found here}

Phnom Penh, Cambodia {photo found here}

Bali, Indonesia {photo found here}

From Bali we make the trip down to New Zealand. From mountains to rivers, snow to beaches, there is so much to see and do here. After New Zealand we'll head up to South America, to Peru and Ecuador. Both cities have beautiful colonial architecture and colorful crafts and markets. In Peru we also must go to Machu Pichu.

 Mt. Olympus, New Zealand {photo found here}

Milford Road, New Zealand {photo found here}

Lima, Peru {photo found here}

Machu Pichu, Peru {photo found here}

Catedral de Quito, Ecuador {photo found here}

Quito, Ecuador {photo found here}

And that's it! 11 countries total, and six continents, counting home. Whew! How long do you think that would take? What countries would be on your list? Dream big!

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